Jason Chonko from Siglent America is joined by Nick KN6NK to give an in-depth intorudction to spectrum analyzers. We talk about the specs, features, and engineering that make up this handy piece of frequency-domain test equipment. We also explore several common spectrum analyzer uses such as filter and cavity tuning as well as radio purity evaluation.
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6/21/2018 21:27:42
Great, great episode, guys! Y'all had great leading and follow-up to the Siglent rep who gave lucid and thorough responses about SAs.
Steve Thomas
7/1/2018 21:54:11
Very good episode. I was the senior product manager for handheld spectrum analyzers at a bay area company. I listened very carefully to the content. and was extremely impressed by the accuracy of the presentation. Well done! de N6ST
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