Randy K7AGE of YouTube fame recently moved in to a new home on the coast of Oregon and had the enviable problem of outfitting his space for Ham Radio and Workbench activities. This week, he joins us to talk about building his workbench as well as how to shop Ham Fests for great deals on test equipment.
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Mark Rose W4MMR
1/18/2019 17:36:12
Thanks for doing this podcast with Randy!
1/26/2019 07:09:23
Very nice interview and episode! I too have a couple of Tek mainframe boxes and units on my workbench. A question: isn’t the 5 MHz figure mentioned about the Tek oscilloscope plug-in referring to the bandwith rather than the speed (as in a PC’s CPU? Often, the 5x Rule suggests that one need five times the signal’s frequency to reliably resolve the observed waveform, according to a Ride & Schwartz brochure regarding things to know about an oscope. Perhaps I misunderstood the conversation that that point as I was driving-while-listening, lol! Randy, I watch most all of your videos and never miss a Workbench episode. Color me a happy Workbencher!
1/30/2019 08:43:39
Yes, the 5 Mhz is the bandwidth. Yes, for accurate measurements you want a scope with 10x the bandwidth of the signal that you are looking at. However, many times we aren't measuring to a very fine detail. Many times I am interested in the overall voltage and shape of the signal. I would think that for general home workbench any scope in the 50-100 MHz will be fine,
Thank you guys for the work you put into the Ham Radio Workbench! Below are some additional recommendations that I didn't hear mentioned, though I could be wrong.
4/24/2019 23:34:17
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